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Among the best Oils of Italy - 2021 Edition

Among the best Oils of Italy - 2021 Edition

We are very much proud to announce that our Santa Giustina, one of the most loved oils of our productions, 
for the first time ever was awarded with the renowed Three Leaves Award from the Gambero Rosso Guidebook - 2021 Oils of Italy Edition.
The Three Leaves Award is actually the best and most important award that the guidebook realeases. 
But also we are happy to say that not only our Santa Giustina was awarded but also our P.D.O. Veneto Valpolicella and our Monocultivar Grignano;
the first was awarded with the Two Red Leaves Award, which it almost worth the same of the Three Leaves Award and the second one with the Two Leaves Award instead.



Loc. S. Giustina, 9A - Illasi - Verona - Italy
P.IVA 04166510232
Tel. +39 045 6520558 - Fax +39 045 6528133

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CREDITS: Future Smart